Configuration Backup
Ensure uninterrupted protection, availability and business continuity by backing up your NG Firewall settings with Configuration Backup. Configuration Backup enables you to recover from unavoidable hardware failures and unforeseen disasters by safeguarding your policies and other settings in the cloud via ETM Dashboard and/or Google Drive.
Configuration Backup also makes it easy to replicate your settings across multiple deployments by integrating seamlessly with ETM Dashboard. ETM Dashboard Configuration Templates enable you to replicate a configuration across multiple NG Firewall appliances. Keep your standby failover system up-to-date effortlessly, or synchronize multi-site deployments that use an identical master template. ETM Dashboard configuration replication works in combination with Configuration Backup.
For maximum flexibility and control, NG Firewall configuration replication can include a complete configuration or specific sections of the configuration. You can manage both options in the Policies area of ETM Dashboard.
Configuration Backup is included with Live Support at no additional charge. If installed and enabled, Configuration Backup automatically backs up your configuration on a daily basis to ETM Dashboard and, as a secondary option, to Google Drive. It’s easy to schedule the time you want the backup to occur.